Karin Jonkers

Organization & Employees

The permanent team of Theaterfestival Boulevard works all year round on the organization of the festival and other activities of the Bosse Nova Foundation, such as Kunstbende Noord-Brabant. We believe that art plays an indispensable role in society. Based on this conviction, we work together with partners from various social domains. From different perspectives we focus on themes such as talent development and internationalization, for example by participating in different European collaborative projects. From our home base in Pand 18 (a former school in the city center), we work with other organizations, festivals and (amateur) initiatives. Pand 18 is also the home of Broedplaats 's-Hertogenbosch, an initiative in which we work together with colleagues from Festival Cement and Theater Artemis in the context of Plan Talentontwikkeling Brabant. Our small group of permanent employees is expanded annually with returning temporary employees, interns and our indispensable volunteers. 

Diversity and Inclusion

We want everyone to feel welcome at Theaterfestival Boulevard; both on and off stage. The different talents, opinions and perspectives of our employees contribute greatly to our endeavors. That is why we strive for a great diversity in our organization in terms of cultural background, age, gender, orientation and physical characteristics. This not only makes our organization stronger, but it also makes it a nicer place to work. We therefore support the Diversity & Inclusion Code of the Dutch cultural and creative sector.

Policy and Behavior

At Theaterfestival Boulevard we stand for a corporate culture in which everyone can work pleasantly and safely, and in which abuse and harassment are prevented. Additionally, we offer a reporting procedure in case of experienced inappropriate behavior.

In consultation with Van Oss and partners, a memorandum has been drawn up with the aim of increasing integrity awareness where necessary, providing insight into possibilities and procedures to guarantee safety within our organization and encouraging employees to address each other about acting with integrity and unwanted behavior. This note is available to festival staff and volunteers.

Integrity issues and unwanted behavior can be reported to the managing director or can be discussed informally and confidentially with our confidential advisor, Mrs Sabine van Pelt. You can reach her via sabine.van.pelt@facit.nl or Facit 0251 – 212 202. 

When they suspect any kind of abuse, volunteers report to volunteer coordinator Vera Stijnen. If it is suspected that the volunteer coordinator is involved in the abuse, this can be reported to the managing director or the confidential advisor. These measures help us in our endeavors to offer a pleasant and safe working environment for our employees, artists and volunteers.   

Team Boulevard

At Theaterfestival Boulevard, a small team works year-round on the preparations for the festival. In the spring and summer, we are at full strength - then the volunteers, freelancers, and trainees are also present. We are happy to introduce them to you, everyone included. Because together we are strong.

Dana Kibbelaar

General director

Peggy Olislaegers

Advisor projects

Nina Aalders

Head of programme

Gido Broers

Programmer and marketeer

Dylan Kroese

Programming Producer

Willem de Leeuw

Head of production and technique

Stephan Bikkers

Programmeur pleinpodium

Ivo Dierx

Programmer music

Babette Kalker

Program maker

Rosa van Rooij

Programmer FOMO FATALE

Marcel Bontekoe


Marianne Becks

Administrator and coordinator ticket sales

Marlies Quaars

Financial administration

Pepijn Muller

Hospitality coordinator / coordinator sustainability

Hanna van Dis

Context programme and audience development

Coralie den Adel

Project lead audience development

Moniek de Zeeuw

Head of marketing and communications

Maartje Bogaerts van de Vossenberg

Online Marketing

Kitty Becht

Marketing & Friends

Jesse van Dee

Intern marketing & communication

Mere Geijtenbeek

Intern marketing & communication

Linda van Loon

Hospitality coordinator

Vincent Wijlhuizen

Artistic project supervisor Performing Gender/Dancing in Your Shoes & moderator

Karin Jonkers

Graphic designer and photographer

Mariëlle van der Wardt

Technical advisor, coordinator signing

Eric Alink

Editor magazines and textwriter

Teddy Tops


Dave Menkehorst


Aschwin van Leeuwen

Accessibility Advisor

Frank Allard

Accessibility Advisor

Rick Hooijberg

Accessibility Advisor

Kim van der Weerden

Production manager main area

Marianne van Andel

Producer venues & locations

Douwe van Doornewaard


Stijn van Kessel

Designer festival squares

Kelly Geurts

Designer BLVR&D

Vera Stijnen

Volunteer coordinator

Sofie Smits

Volunteer coordinator

Hans Struik

Storage custodian

Sabine van Pelt


Frans Miggelbrink


General information

Boulevard is organized in accordance with the ‘Governance Code Cultuur’ and uses the Supervisory Board-model. 

Boulevard's Supervisory Board consists of six members. Heleen Herbert acts as chairman, other board members are Ricardo Burgzorg, Rick Evers, Paulo Martina, Jeroen Mathot and Marieke Tetteroo.

Supervisors do not receive remuneration for their work, but are entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred by them in the performance of their duties. 

Remuneration policy

Boulevard applies the Fair Practice Code, both within the organization and in a festival context.
In the context of Fair Pay, we work in line with the ‘CAO Nederlandse Podia’ for all employees. The permanent team has recently been expanded with employees from the Marketing & Communications, Financial Administration and Public Relations team. Depending on the assignment and duration of the assignment, an employment or assignment agreement is concluded with self-employed persons. The remuneration of self-employed persons is calculated based on the classification in the CAO with a self-employed person's surcharge of 50%. We charge a flexicurity surcharge for flexible, short-term self-employed persons with less certainty of recurrence and/or extension.

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender