Teddy Tops/ Kirsten van Teijn, e.v.a. |
Glitter, confetti, ballroom, music, readings, talks, dance, theatre, drag-ups, and fireworks – at least proverbial fireworks. TREK IETS LEUKS UIT is a party with the entire multi-colouredness of Den Bosch and surroundings, at the stage and in the hall. It is the official, most festive kick-off of many TREK IETS LEUKS UIT pop-ups that will follow. Teddy Tops throws colourful spoken words to you. You will hear (s)experimental songs by Kirsten van Teijn. Job Rietvelt brings a flaming manifest. Sex counsellor Susan Meijburg talks to Brabantse sex workers. All this happens during indomitable music by MISS FIASCO. This night celebrates all colours and welcomes unscathed.
This series of programs in the city comes in all shapes and sizes. Small scaled talks take placem big drag-ballrooms, series are binged and drinks are drunk. Under this heading, makers from the city create a space for queers, dissidents, artists, parents, friends and family, to everyone who is curious and open for that. The company starts this chain at Theaterfestival Boulevard. They talk to people from the city and celebrate their festive kick-off in the big tent. Join the conversation or celebrate and take off something nice.
You will find TREK IETS LEUKS UIT at:
2 Aug. 08:30 PM Keulse Kar: join the conversation
8 Aug. 02:00 PM BLVR&D: create your sex-passport
9 Aug. 08:30 PM Keulse Kar: join the conversation
10 Aug. 08:30 PM Theatertent: KICK-OFF
16 Aug. 08:30 PM Keulse Kar: join the conversation
idea and production Susan Meijburg, Job Rietvelt, Kirsten van Teijn, Teddy Tops
coproduction Mensen Zeggen Dingen, COC, Drag-Up, Seksueel Welzijn Nederland, Miss Fiasco, Theaterfestival Boulevard & Trek Iets Leuks Uit