8 till 14 August 2021

Ramble Song


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Step into the arena. Don't worry, nothing is being fought for here. In the cinematic concert Ramble Song, we see a breathing organism, infused with life by the pressure of soundscapes. Three musicians are fuelled live by BERLIN's in-house composer Peter Van Laerhoven, while in a series of film tableaus in the center of the playing field, the poetic wandering of a tramp unfolds. Between being on the way and arriving, between melancholy and black humor. Between beauty and disappointment. That is where you find Ramble Song

Location Verkadefabriek/Grote Zaal
Running time 70 min.
Genre language no problem

'Vintage BERLIN'

Although the performance has a different form than previous work by BERLIN shown on Boulevard, it is still vintage BERLIN in its ingenious puzzling with shapes and images. The recognizable, deep humanity that their previous documentary performances typified, is further elaborated musically and visually in this fictional work. 

Ramble song is an outsider in the oeuvre of Berlin. It is no documentary play but a film concert that looks inward. This work, mourning ritual as well as acte de presence, makes itself felt more than reading. And that is courageous."

- De Standaard, Gilles Michiels

“While the combination of cello, guitars, and drums stick to your ribs, Ramble song raises questions as what will you do when the same road leads to happiness as well as sadness? Hard to tell, but if you can choose a path where you can experience Ramble song, in the hall or with matching vinyl record, feel free to follow that path. You will not regret it."

- Het Nieuwsblad, Magali Degrande

concept and directed by BERLIN [Bart Baele and Yves Degryse] 
performed by Luk Sponselee, Menno De Schrijver, Michel Van Looveren, Jane Seynaeve, Anthe Baele, Jasper Meuris, Ester Van Nuffel, Ninke De Roeck, Mo Franken, Sigrid Desplentere, Jérôme Gouardères, Jaak Fremault and Billy Seynaeve 
supporting actors film Joost van der Boom, Quiny Voorn, Patrick Oost, Andre Beukers, Marianne Buwalda, Devon Guy, Amber van Wijk, Stijn Lutz, Michiel Hendriks, Bas Ruhl, Rainier van Amelsvoort, Liesbeth Peels , Pien van Welbergen-Danen, Pharmindra Kedar, You Zheng Chou en Nicole Honnebier
video & editing Bart Baele and Geert De Vleesschauwer 
scenography Manu Siebens and BERLIN 
music composition Peter Van Laerhoven 
music performance Peter Van Laerhoven, Tine Hubrechts, Eric Thielemans and Tim Coenen [live and film], Mo Franken, Ester Van Nuffel and Ninke De Roeck [film] 
costumes Jessica Ridderhof, Jane Seynaeve, Perrine Philomeen en Doris van der Molen
make-up Jane Seynaeve, Saskia Verreycken en Lona Cerutti
guidance supporting actors Figurantenbegeleiding Angeliek Vermonden en Lara Arnoldus
photography Koen Broos en Luis Xertu

graphic design Corbin Mahieu
leader production Jessica Ridderhof
technical leader  Manu Siebens en Geert De Vleesschauwer
sound Arnold Bastiaanse, Bas De Caluwe, Maarten Moesen en Karel Verstreken
administration Jane Seynaeve
spreading Eveline Martens
communication Sam Loncke
production BERLIN
coproduction DE SINGEL [Antwerpen, BE], le CENTQUATRE-PARIS [FR] en C-TAKT [Limburg, BE]
supported by de Vlaamse Overheid, de Tax Shelter Maatregel van de Belgische Federale Overheid [Podiumfonds] en de stad Antwerpen
thanks to Florine Schaap, Regul Bogaert, Tamara Esseling, Charlotte Willems, Lars Senders, Peter De Haan Uitvaartservice, De Studio (Antwerpen), J&M Catering, Bart De Muynck, Rotterdams Volkstheater, Gracy's, Roodkapje/Burgertrut en Carol Seynaeve

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender