6 till 16 August 2020


Oscar Kocken & Patrick Nederkoorn | NL

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Boulevard wholeheartedly connects with the city and its inhabitants, particularly now. We asked ten makers, whom we’ve trusted for years, to create something especially for ‘Powered by Boulevard’. These projects are made for and sometimes with specific groups from the city. Their progress can soon be followed online by everyone.

Millions of Dutch people live in their own shadow. They never won a championship, never did a remarkable discovery, were never invited to the table of a talk show host. And it’s more than likely that they will have their name in the newspaper only once.  In an obligatory obituary, after an all too unnoticed life. Luckily writer/host Oscar Kocken [1983] and comedian Patrick Nederkoorn [1983] have a big heart. And this is more than just a cardiological observation, as they prove with Zomaargasten. In this live talk show they have heartfelt conversations with Normal People. On the spot Oscar and Patrick add fitting music and images to the mix. The guiding principle of their talk show: in every human being beautiful stories reside that make those involved unique. Invited by Powered by Boulevard these two gentlemen venture into the different neighborhoods of ’s-Hertogenbosch, and offer their inhabitants a chance to listen to these unusual conversations.

Talk show without pretense
Patrick Nederkoorn: “Five years ago the idea for Zomaargasten came to mind. On a festival in Norway we started an investigation as if we were newspaper editors: where were we and what were the issues in the city we were in? That is how we discovered that stories are out on the streets. If you are able to break the ice and you have time and attention for someone, you hear the greatest stories. To date they have performed Zomaargasten more than five hundred times, at conventions, anniversaries and festivals, among which Boulevard 2015 and Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees in South Africa.

This is a talk show without pretense, emphasizes Oscar. “But absolutely extraordinary, because we do not know the guests we talk to. There is no research. In that sense it feels like one of those long-lasting conversations with a complete stranger you used to have on the train sometimes, before we all had cell phones.” No lack of diversity, an old guest list proves: from a faith healer to an art collector and from a bricklayer to a tantra massage therapist, former city councilor and baker. Our talk show is a monument for all ordinary mortals, and for the element of surprise as well,” says Oscar. Patrick agrees and adds: “Every human being is interesting. Take that baker for instance: in the morning he could see by the breads who of his staff of fifteen had been at the oven and baked the batches of bread.”

Sparkling speakers
Nowadays the duo recognizes key themes. Oscar: “Many stories are about the unlived life. But also about love, work, the future and life lessons.” Many speakers have a spark in their eyes when they talk about their passion. Patrick: “That goes for someone who knows all the flags in the world and for someone who is very knowledgeable on toad migration.”

With their talk show both hosts hope to strengthen the social involvement of their visitors, if only just a little bit. That would be more than collateral happiness in times of social disintegration and Covid-19. Oscar: “Zomaargasten always taps into something. We regularly see complete strangers start a conversation afterwards. Once it even led to an invitation to go out and have dinner.”

Oscar lives in Utrecht, Patrick in Amsterdam. Their relative unfamiliarity with Den Bosch makes it even more attractive. Patrick: “Maybe we end up in a big garden, or we start conversations on a town square or we might even get the key to a sports canteen. Everything is possible. It all starts and ends with curiosity.”

People who were interested in this theatrical talk show had the chance to sign up. Tens of people did just that and registration is now closed.

Location Locatie: Oscar Kocken
Running time 60 min.
Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender