Block Box: Broken Glass
Backbone/ Alida Dors | NL
In Broken Glass a kaleidoscopic dance and film installation offers audiences a glimpse into one person’s world, seemingly a social dropout. Its creator is hiphop-choreographer Alida Dors [1977], the artistic director of the Amsterdam-based dance company BackBone. She writes: “Who you are, and which group you belong to, depends not just on who you want to be. People’s lives are impacted by ambition but also subject to coincidence. We are all caught in power relations. But your life is still yours, always.” An installation that deals with the differences between ‘them’ and ‘us’. Are they really that big? BackBone scored a big hit at Boulevard 2018 with their duet Bronstijd.
The Block Box is open every day between 13h00 and 23h30, every day between 13h00 and 14h00 you can visit the Block Box for free.
Created with support of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
Concept, director en choreografie: Alida Dors
Dance poule: Donna Chittick, Cheroney Pelupessy, Clearence Koorndijk en Melvin Fraenk