3 till 6 August 2019

Ghost Writer and the Broken Hand Break

Miet Warlop | BE

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The faulty brake is a classic nightmare. Rushing towards the inevitable, unable to stop. Or does ‘no brakes’ give a sense of freedom? In the mesmerising performance Ghost Writer and the Broken Hand Break the Flemish theatre maker Miet Warlop [1978] throws herself into a Western version of the dervish dance. Its origins lie in Sufism, a mystical tradition within Islam. A priest [the dervish] twirls around endlessly until he becomes ecstatic. Ghost Writer and the Broken Hand Break sees Miet and two fellow performers engage in the mental and physical experiment. Twirling, they attempt to outrun memories and stories and surrender to a pure, dizzying now. Straddling the line between control and loss of it, their circular dance mixes in swirls of recital and live concert. At Boulevard 2018 Warlop exploded a giant teddy bear in her hallucinogenic Big Bears Cry Too. Now the internationally applauded Flemish maker is charging our desires with Semtex to escape the present moment. Miet is also creating work for a Block Box in the festival square.

Concept: Miet Warlop
Music and performance: Pieter De Meester, Wietse Tanghe, Joppe Tanghe, Miet Warlop
Text: Raimundas Malašauskas, Miet Warlop, Pieter De Meester
Coproduction: Kunstencentrum Vooruit Gent, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin

Theaterkrant: “Soms zie je een voorstelling die je herinnert aan wat je in zoveel andere mist. Dit is er zo eentje – er gebeurt iets dat je hart sneller doet slaan omdat je toeschouwer/deelgenoot van een geboorte bent. [...] Utterly cool.”

Location Locatie: Kristel van Issum
Running time 45 min.
Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Vlaanderen, Verbeelding werkt
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender