Studenten in de Etalage
Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten |
In addition to the graduation performances, there are short presentations every day at 8.30 pm of the courses (classical) music theater, dance, music education, theater and Master of Music in the attic of Muzerije.
Liesanne van Dongen | 2 aug 20.30u
Annabel van Casteren | 3 aug 20.30u
Santiago Basante Arias | 4 aug 20.30u
Jop Schellekens en Reggy van Bakel | 5 aug 20.30u
Emily La Haye | 6 aug 20.30u
Svenja Gabler | 7 aug 20.30u
Marlies Bloemen | 8 aug 20.30u | 9 aug 20.30u
Robin en Dylan | 10 aug 20.30u
Santiago Basante Arias | 11 aug 20.30u
Also be welcome at the continuous exhibition of the Academy for Visual Arts and ArtCoDe programs.
Rob Smulders, Janneke Verhoeven, Jolijn van den Heuvel, Matthias Gigengack, Marinus Dekkers | Thursday 2 till Saturday 11 aug | Muzerije