facing faces (8+)
Rita Hoofwijk |
According to The Royal Society’s website, 3.3 seconds is the ideal amount of time to look a person in the eyes. Anything less would come across as disinterest or evasiveness. Anything more can make the other person uncomfortable. But what do you see?
facing faces is a fascinating installation that places two visitors across from each other. When they are seated, Rita Hoofwijk presents them with a revolving series of portraits. Each of the faces has been given a title that reveals how this person is to be seen. And even though the description remains incomplete, it is enough to colour our perception. The work of Rita Hoofwijk [1994] often explores ‘the encounter’: the temporary relationship between audience and performer or between different audience members.
This performance plays continuously from 14.30u till 15.30u and from 17.30u till 21.30u. The playing times are also communicated at the entrance of the tent, where tickets can be purchased for the performances of the same day.
concept & implementation: Rita Hoofwijk
design: Milan Meeuse
technique: Atelier Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof
graphic design: Studio Noto
photography: Vivian Keulards
production: Stichting SoAP
coproduction: VIA ZUID and Festival Cement
created with the support of Stichting Brand Cultuurfonds Limburg