TeaTime Company | NL, BE
Circus, dance, and architecture merge in the performance Ripple. In the centre: a big metal spiral 2,5 meters high and 5 meter long.
The choices we make influence our daily lives. They cause ripples in our relationships, thoughts and experience, just as natural forces cause vibrations and ripples in water. Ripple is about balance, influence, power, and friction.
In Ripple three performers face constant challenges. They are forced to anticipate and react to the movement of the metal spiral. At any moment the entire situation can change because of an unexpected move from either spiral and performer…
Cast & crew Bavo De Smedt, Róisín Harten, Raff Pringuet/ Fenja Barteldres
Coproducer FPK | Nieuwe Makersregeling, Makersfonds Tilburg, Circuswerkplaats Dommelhof