3 till 4 August 2024

Maar wat als wij

Emma&Mariví / Fontys Academy of the Arts | NL

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How do we relate to each other and how do I relate to others? The danced duet Maar wat als wij focuses on how relationships are formed and how they can change and disappear. 

Location Pand 18/Zaal beneden
Running time 30 min.
Genre Dance

The dancers sketch various encounters and moments of goodbye. Nowadays, the focus often seems to be on always continuing and striving for innovation. What if we paused for a moment? What if we were more conscious of each other and resumed collectivity?  

Emma&Mariví find inspiration in people and how they feel, think, and live. Because of their natural bond, Emma&Mariví create from trust. It allows them to challenge each other physically and artistically. The duo's movement language is dynamic and powerful and uses a lot of contact and partner work, in which a lot of risk is taken.

This performance is one of the six Fontys Finals, graduation works by students from Fontys Academy of the Arts. Fontys Finals is a part of Future Feels, a daily programme by new performing art talent in which art students and festival meet, where future artists create, present and exchange.

Chiara Scharler


Dancers and performers Emma Thomson en Mariví van den Hooff
Music Compilatie
Made possible by Cultuurfonds Noord-Brabant, LeineRoebana


Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender