1 till 2 August 2024


Joshua Monten Dance Company / Alina Lugovskaya, Yiorgos Pelagias | CH

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It's not easy being straight. Like watching Sisyphus roll his rock up the mountain, Linearity shows the fascinatingly endless task of imposing straightness on an irregular world.  

Location Parade/Torenpodium
Running time 25 min.
Genre Dance

With rolls of bright adhesive tape, two ambitious and energetic dancers restructure their environment by creating straight lines in the unlikeliest of places. Bit by bit, recognizable forms emerge on the ground and in the air.  

Linearity is an extended dialogue between straight lines and luxurious curves and wiggles.  How straight do we really want to be? How many curves can we handle?

Joel Strubi


Choreography Joshua Monten
Dance Alina Lugovskaya, Yiorgos Pelagias
Coproducer Centre de Création Helvétique des Arts de la Rue (CCHAR), Das Tanzfest Bern
Funded by Pro Helvetia, Kultur Stadt Bern, SWISSLOS / Culture Canton de Berne, Loterie Romande / Corodis

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender