3 till 4 August 2024


Liza van Brakel/TENT | NL

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How do you create a sustainable version of the traditional travelling circus? Simply, on a bicycle. Circus artist Liza van Brakel converted her own bicycle into a show horse and travels to Boulevard with her tent to perform her performance Galop.

Location Parade/Torenpodium
Running time 20 min.
Genre Circus

Liza creates here own stage wherever she goes. Always without any emissions because she travels by bike. She works with all things her bikes consist of: her bell, helmet, water bottle and all kinds of small bicycle mechanics and creates an outdoor circus performance in which she combines her juggling and movement skills. Fun fact: along the way, Liza draws inspiration from all the spontaneous encounters, making each performance completely unique.  

Galop is an ode to cycling, celebrates the love of nomadic circus life and offers ideas for a sustainable future. And if you cannot get enough of Liza or her circus performance? Then just cycle along with Liza afterwards.

Sven Peetoom


Concept and direction Liza van Brakel 
Artist Liza van Brakel 
Musical composer Roel Vermeer, Liza van Brakel 
Outside eye Luca Lombardi, Julia Campistany 
Documentary Sven Peetoom 
Project direction Hanneke Meijers 
Production Majlen Hoogeveen 

Producer TENT 
Residencies Werkplaats Diepenheim, OASE 
With support of Fonds Podiumkunsten, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, NORMA fonds, De Olland-Buisman Stichting, Stichting Young Art Support Amsterdam 
With thanks Edwin Schulte, Mingo Hagen, Pia van den Beuken

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender