1 till 11 August 2024

Binnenste Buiten

Schweigman& en Johannes Bellinkx | NL

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When do you reach the boundaries of your body, and when do you cross to the world outside? Can we modify these boundaries? Explore the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’ during Binnenste Buiten.

Location Aartshertogenlaan (Jordaensstraat thv nr 19)
Running time 60 min.
Genre Musical theater

Binnenste Buiten is an intimate, physical and musical experience that interacts with the sense that perceives internals stimuli: proprioception. People who experience overstimulation often use weighted blankets or vests to process stimuli and calm their bodies. Schweigman& and Johannes Bellinkx create a spacial installation to experience this ‘weighted’ feeling, while singers guide you through time and space. For everyone who wants to be carried away by an intimate experience that interacts with the perception of the senses.

For years, Boulevard gladly shows the experience-based works of Schweigman&. Binnenste Buiten is the first performance about the process of stimuli in a research in collaboration with Johannes Bellinkx.

This performance is made possible by the Friends of Boulevard.

Binnenste Buiten will premiere on Saturday 3 August during Boulevard.


Good to know

  • For adults and also for kids of twelve years and older
  • This performance is not suitable for people who suffer from claustrophobia. You have to hear a suit from which the air is slowly and carefully subtracted. 
  • There is no shuttle bus to the location of this performance, however it is possible to borrow a bicycle. Read more information on how to borrow a bike here.
  • On Sunday 4 August there is a combiticket for this performance with the performance Dance is not for us by Omar Rajeh/Maqamat.
  • On Sunday 4 August there is a combiticket for this performance with the performance Dance is not for us by Omar Rajeh/Maqamat and The Indonesian Dialogues by There will be film.
Karin Jonkers


Artists Schweigman& en Johannes Bellinkx
Concept Boukje Schweigman & Johannes Bellinkx
Reception and performance Rosanne Geerdes
Musical direction Imre Ploeg
Vocals kamerkoor JIP, Soundscape Yannis Kyriakides

Technic Merijn Versnel
Design suits Air Design / Erik van Dongen
Production ‘n More
With thanks too Vika van Rooyen, Ruimtetijd, SoAP Maastricht, Elizabeth Kooy and all volunteers
Made possible by Fonds Podiumkunsten, Gemeente Utrecht, K.F. Hein Fonds, Fonds21 en VSB Fonds

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender