1 till 2 August 2024


Igor x Moreno | IT

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Karrasekare takes you back to a time when Carnival was a ritual to celebrate the beginning of spring and the liberation of the body. Inspired by Basque and Sardinian pagan carnival traditions, the performers dance and sing to free themselves from constraining boxes. Carnival as a celebration of the ever-changing body.

Location Theater aan de Parade/Casinozaal
Running time 80 min.
Genre Dance


The costumes, scenery, dance, vocals and music form a contemporary rite of carnival.  
On the beat of traditional rhythms, a future is revealed in which there is room for human beings in all their forms.

The works of Igor Urzelai Hernando and Moreno Solinas start from a fascination for what makes human beings such special creatures. Their performances are characterised by their surprising, energetic and somewhat disturbing nature. In 2023, the two choreographers presented the performance CONCERTO at the Populierencirkel. Karrasekare, their fifth visit to Boulevard, puts the prudishness of the audience to the test.

The performance has its Dutch premiere during the opening of Boulevard on Thursday the 1st of August.


Good to know

  • This performance contains explicit nudity and uses stage blood. 
  • On Thursday 1 August there is a combiticket for this performance with the performance KURT by Mount Lucy.


‘Irresistible and captivating, beautiful to watch and worthy of every reflection.’

Il Manifesto

‘Complex, layered, powerful work, open to many interpretations and with excellent performers.’

Limina Teatri, Paolo Ruffini

‘It is rare to see a work in which the origin of place is so well embedded in the artistic outcome.’

Springback Magazine
Fabio Sau


Direction & Choreography Moreno Solinas & Igor Urzelai Hernando
Rehearsal director Margherita Elliot
Performers Marcella Mancini, Alessio Rundeddu, Matteo Sedda, Giulia Vacca, Margherita Elliot, Igor Urzelai Hernando, Moreno Solinas
Dramaturg Simon Ellis
Original music, sound design Edoardo Robert Elliot
Lighting design Joshie Harriette
Touring re-lighter Laurie Loads
Stage manager Matteo Maragno
Producer Davide Pisano
Administration Anna Paola Della Chiesa 

Produced by S’ALA and The Place
Co-produced with Théâtre De La Ville, Fuorimargine, Romaeuropa, Bora Bora and Theaterfestival Boulevard
In collaboration with Toscana Terra Accogliente (with residencies at Anghiari Dance Hub & Armunia, and co-financed by Fabbrica Europa) and HKD – Croatian Cultural Centre
Co-commissioned by Cambridge Junction with support from the Stobbs New Ideas Fund
Supported by the Italian Cultural Institute in London, the Italian Ministry of Culture’s Directorate General for Performing Art and the NID Platform and sponsored by Viale s.r.l.
With the support of MiC – Ministero della Cultura, RAS - Regione Autonoma Della Sardegna, Fondazione Di Sardegna

Theaterfestival Boulevard thanks:
  • Gemeente 's-Hertogenbosch
  • Den Bosch Partners
  • Provincie Noord-Brabant
  • Fonds Podiumkunsten
  • VSBfonds
  • Fonds21
  • Vriendenloterij Fonds
  • Creative Europe Programme (EU)
  • Gieskes-Strijbis Fonds
  • Dioraphte
  • VandenEnde Foundation
  • Fonds ZOZ
  • Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur
  • Jan van Hoof Galerie
  • Apap
  • Feminist Futures
  • Performing Gender