Noëmi Lakmaier | GB/AT
The Austrian artist Noëmi Lakmaier performs Welcome, a durational performance between 13:00h and 17:00h on top of the pink Block Box.
Welcome is a durational performance of four hours and, in all its physical presence, sits quietly amongst the hustle and bustle of people and events. It explores the relationship between human bodies, objects and space, inviting both incidental and deliberate encounters with the artist’s body. In this work, Lakmaier invites the audience to witness, question and explore notions of different bodies of all ages, genders, ethnicities and abilities encountering each other and communicating in silence in order to explore sensations of trust and vulnerability, care, intimacy and consent.
The performance of Noëmi Lakmaier is cancelled on 8 August, but is scheduled for 9 August 13h-17h.
Call for performers
Are you interested in participating in Noëmi’s piece as a co-performer?
We are looking for 12-18 individuals of all ages, shapes, sizes, ethnicities, genders and abilities to take part in the performance. Your roll would involve getting up to the top of the stage, go up to Noëmi and hold her in silence for a period of time (maximum 1 hour) until another co-performer takes over. You may also need to offer them water. You can participate by sending an e-mail with a photo of yourself, your age and a short motivation to Emma Rixt, emmarixt@festivalboulevard.nl.
- You must be available in ‘s-Hertogenbosch on 6 and 7 August.
- You must not me scared of hights.
- You must own black clothing without patterns or logos (or be willing to buy or borrow some).
- You must be comfortable being in silence and communicating silently.
- You must be comfortable with physical touch.
Noëmi Lakmaier is an Austrian-born, live/performance artist, living and working in East London, who has performed and exhibited widely in the UK and internationally. As a queer, disabled person and an immigrant to the UK, identity and how we relate to ourselves and others in the world, in an embodied way, are core interests in their site- and context-responsive practice. They are also an existential-phenomenological psychotherapist with a particular interest in the minority experience, gender, sexuality, disability, identity, intersectionality and trauma.
This performance takes place in the frame of the Feminist Futures Festival which is part of the apap - Feminist Futures, a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Performance Noëmi Lakmaier
Coproducer Theaterfestival Boulevard
Photo Joy Stanley & Anthony Shepherd