Space_tial / Fontys Theater | IT/NL
Mima is a cosmic journey that drags you along, opens doors to a new experience and ultimately encourages you to think about the relationship between humans and AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Mima is a performance created by Space_tial, an initiative originating from the Fontys Theater. It is inspired by the epic poem Aniara (1956) by Swedish writer Harry Martinson.
Meet Mima, an AI that guides the audience through a journey through space. The combination of music and images immerse you in the cosmic world and let you experience what it feels like to get lost in the universe.
Fontys Theater is an initiative of Fontys University of the Arts and consists of a group of young, talented makers who are given the stage to show their graduation performance to the wider public during Boulevard.
The performance Mima va Space_tail wordt gebruik gemaakt van stroboscopen.
Music Production Alberto Tudisca
Clarinets Michele Adelizzi
Visuals Sebastiaan Schoonen
Coproducent Sebastiaan Schoonen
Photo Lotte Tonneijk