It takes a Child to raise a Village / FREE (AL)
Corpo Máquina Society | NL
In It takes a Child to raise a Village/ FREE, freerunning and theater come together in an interactive encounter with children from Den Bosch West. Last year, choreographer Guilherme Miotto's company Corpo Máquina Society invited children to go on a journey of discovery with freestyle football players and dancers in the gymnasium of BBS de Kruiskamp. With It takes a Child to raise a Village/FREE, the company returns to this location.
At the upcoming festival, actors, musicians and freerunners will work with children from 's-Hertogenbosch West. Freerunning is a mix of acrobatics and sports on/under/over/along walls, benches, bike racks, etc. Urban, stylish and tough.
With It takes a Child to raise a Village, Corpo Máquina Society has started a multi-year trajectory with projects in which adult performers are instructed to put the children at the center and to serve their proposals and curiosity. The conviction of Corpo Máquina: young people can change society. Extra magic of this project: children show their talents, which is also proven by the daily presentations. A participating girl from the neighbourhood fell madly in love with a violin last year and the visitors fell in love with her.
At 3:00 pm the doors of the gymnasium open and the children are welcome to get to work with the performers. From 4:30 pm the audience is welcome to watch and children from the age of 8 can participate if they wish.
Relaxed performance
This performance is a relaxed performance.
• There is an open, free atmosphere.
• During the hour and a half that the gymnasium is open to the audience, people can walk in and out.
• It doesn't have to be completely quiet, people can talk.
• People can walk and there is a possibility to film.
Moving and having fun with a group of actors, free runners and musicians.
Do you live in West and are you up for an exciting summer activity?
Join us in moving and having fun with a group of actors, free runners, and musicians. We will work together and come up with a performance, which we will perform.
Tuesday 8 until 12 August.
Every afternoon from 15.00 until 18.00.
For whom?
Everyone between the ages of 8 and 12 are able to participate for free. A maximum of 30 participants are allowed.
Please let us know that you will join the workshop by sending an e-mail to Pien via
From 16.30 it is possible to invite brothers, sisters, (grand)parents, uncles, aunts and other family members or friends. We have complimentary tickets available.
Gymzaal BBS De Kruiskamp
Jan Olieslaegerstraat 51
‘s Hertogenbosch
It takes a Child to raise a Village/Free is a collaboration project by CORPO MÁQUINA SOCIETY and Theaterfestival Boulevard.
This programme is supported by Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur ‘s-Hertogenbosch-Vught.
It takes a Child to raise a Village/FREE is part of Lijn73, in which we work with makers who have or want to develop a special commitment to the city. This year these makers also seek out specific groups as audiences or co-makers in projects. This way Theaterfestival Boulevard continues to delve into and connect with the city and its inhabitants.

You can buy a combiticket for this performance in combination with Igor x Moreno - Concerto on Wednesday 9 August.
Click here to buy this combiticket.Choreography Guilherme Miotto
Performers Bob Ott, Kim Boogaard, Merlijn De Meyer Engelbeen and two freerunners
Musicians Pedro Paixao, Isaac Poels
Stagedesign and design Anne Habermann
Photo Karin Jonkers