Aanhaak Fanfare
Bart van Dongen | NL
Welcome to the Aanhaak Fanfare! Do you love music? Then you can work with 's-Hertogenbosch city composer Bart van Dongen for eleven days on Bossche Klanken.
Bart van Dongen makes the composition Bossche Klanken with residents of the city. Everyone can provide ideas through a melody, a sound poem, a drawing, a series of chords, an 'instructions for use', a sound recording; everything is possible. The Aanhaak Fanfare will practice the piece together with Bart van Dongen for ten days in order to be able to play it live on August 13.
Do you have an idea for the composition? Join! Do you sing, rap, play an instrument? Join! Do you use FL Studio or can you conduct? Join! Are you very young, very old, visually impaired or blind, have a hearing impairment or deaf, married or superstitious - but musically? Join!
You can register for the Aanhaak Fanfare or submit a composition idea via info@bartvandongen.com.
The Aanhaak Fanfare is part of Lijn73, in which we work with makers who have or want to develop a special commitment to the city. This year these makers also seek out specific groups as audiences or co-makers in projects. This way Theaterfestival Boulevard continues to delve into and connect with the city and its inhabitants.
Aanhaak Fanfare by Stadscomponist 's-Hertogenbosch Bart van Dongen will have its premiere on Sundag the 13th of August at 17:30h.

Conductor Bart van Dongen
Composer inwoners van 's-Hertogenbosch
Arranger Bart van Dongen
Musicians inwoners van 's-Hertogenbosch
Coproducers Stadscomponist 's-Hertogenbosch, November Music, Theaterfestival Boulevard en stichting POON
Photo Ben Nienhuis en Hub