Schippers&VanGucht | NL
At the Militaire Rijbaan, Schippers&VanGucht are building a three-and-a-half-metre-high, fifteen-metre-long and three-metre-wide video installation: ODE. Clearly larger than the garbage truck in last year's Volle Vuilkar or TussenTijdCapsule in 2021. But even now you make a journey through different spaces in which all sorts of things happen.
You enter ODE with a small group of visitors with whom you explore without knowing exactly where you are going. During the journey you will encounter a colourful group. Maybe just as colourful as the visitors you share the experience with. The youngest is six, the oldest ninety. They all have different backgrounds and different acting experiences. Schippers&VanGucht attach value to the quick encounter. “We hope that they will join us in finding the power of meeting and will walk out smiling.” By stepping into ODE, you will surely understand what they mean.
ODE is easily accessible for people with a hearing impairment, because there is no text in the performance.
On Wednesday 9 and Saturday 12 August, we particularly welcome people with hearing impairments. On these days there will be a performer who speaks sign language.
This performance is for adults and also for kids from the age of eight.
The installation ODE by Schippers&vanGucht uses smoke. During the performance, live performers will take you by hand.
ODE by Schippers&VanGucht will premiere on Saturday August 5th at 20:00h.
Schippers&VanGucht is part of Lijn73, in which we work with makers who have or want to develop a special commitment to the city. This year these makers also seek out specific groups as audiences or co-makers in projects. This way Theaterfestival Boulevard continues to delve into and connect with the city and its inhabitants.

You can buy a combiticket for this performance in combination with Panama Pictures / Bosch Parade - The Weight of Water on Thursday 10 August.
Click here to buy this combiticket.Concept Schippers&VanGucht
Video Wannes Cré
Sounddesign Joeri Cnapelinckx
Showcontrol Daan Hazendonk
Build ODE (construction and execution) Einstein Design
Video adaption Anouk Steenbakkers
Lead recording, production and public operation Juup Luijten
Technical production Jaap van der Woude
Creative Production Eva Meijering
Campaign images/photo’s Wannes Cré
Business lead and sales Dorine Cremers
Performers on video Mustaf Ahmeti, Jan Bijvoet, Myra Bodian, Erwin Boschmans, Ruben Diepenhorst, Paul Eenens, Damien de Hoogh, Oumaima Kastit, Valentine Kempynck, Toon Kuijpers, Johan Magielse, Eva Meijering, Merih Michael, Mollie, Charles Pas, Rowshuan Pikero, Annemarie Prins, Polline Van Tiggelt, Gayret Vasvieva, Karolien Verlinden
Performers live Mustaf Ahmeti, Aline Cornelissen, Myra Bodian, Erwin Boschmans, Charlotte Gillain, Dennis Massar, Charles Pas
Musicians Bart Verdonck, Mark Van Ransbeke, Mich Leemans, Thomas Devos
Mix Joris Caluwaerts
With thanks to Michael Nolta, Leon van Egmond, Michael Bloos, Dennis Molendijk
Special thanks to Theaterwerkplaats Tiuri en Theater Zuidpool