Kunnen stenen je zachter maken?
iona&rineke | NL
Kunnen stenen je zachter maken? exceptionally opens the gate to the Kingdom of the Sick is to everyone: healthy, sick or somewhere in between. As a visitor you get the chance to visit this realm; a lonely place where it smells and sounds different and where time passes differently, through an installation with text, music and images.
It is important for everyone to get to know the Kingdom of the Sick, because we will all stay there one day. This installation prepares you for it. In Kunnen stenen je zachter maker? you experience the intake process. You experience the transformation that happens when you fall ill through music, text and images. The space iona&rineke have created with this installation is their version of a sick room; a little solarium, a little snuggle under a blanket and a little fever dream. A space where there is room for nature, because we need it most here; when we feel bad we take a walk and we calm down by watching fire, greenery or the movement of the sea. The installation was made on the basis of own experiences and contact with experienced pen pals, consisting of sick and caring people.
Kunnen stenen je zachter maken? is part of the Zieke Jaren; a project by music theatre company iona&rineke that they are creating in 2023 and 2024 around the theme of being sick. With these projects, the company wants to reflect on questions about being sick and the right to health with the audience. Are you interested in becoming an expert pen pal? Read more information here.
Kunnen stenen je zachter maken? by iona&rineke uses strong sound and bright lights.
Kunnen stenen je zachter maken? by iona&rineke will premiere on Friday the 4th August.
Due to technical issues the performance Kunnen stenen je zachter maken? is cancelled on Saturday 5 August.
iona&rineke is part of Lijn73, in which we work with makers who have or want to develop a special commitment to the city. This year these makers also seek out specific groups as audiences or co-makers in projects. This way Theaterfestival Boulevard continues to delve into and connect with the city and its inhabitants.

Concept/direction/text/vocals Iona Daniel & Rineke Roosenboom
Lightdesign/technical production Tim Vermeulen
Composition/sound edit Ruben van Asselt
Sounddesign Frank Wienk
Production Merel Hobrink
Technical support Ruben de Snoo & Timo Arling
Thanks to Gemeente Utrecht, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Festival Boulevard, Daan Windhorst, Pieter Hofmans en de penvrienden van iona&rineke