Able To Fuck Love
Gavin-Viano | NL
His upper body is bare, and so is his soul. In the musical theatre performance Able To Fuck Love, Gavin-Viano offers songs and musings about love and sex.
All those pimped-out profile sentences, all those loves-of-a-night, the yearning for the day when you swipe yourself right with a smile. In his songs - soul, gospel and R&B - the search for romance prevails. Four violinists from Eurasia Quartet and pianist/composer Joachim HenriÎtta accompany Gavin-Viano. They finely polish the coarse-grained title of the show: in the moving Able To Fuck Love, honey, heartfelt desire and wooden instruments intoxicate.
Performer Gavin-Viano
Pianist Joachim Henriëtta
Composers Gavin-Viano & Joachim Henrïëtta
Arranger Ilja Reingoud
Violinists Eurasia Quartet, Asia Czaj, Stanislav Degtyarev Ekaterina Degtiarevam, Justinas Kaunas, EglÄ— KaunietytÄ—, Paloma Ortas
Lighting designer Maarten Hietbrink
Production manager Jostha Delima