We are happy to announce that visual artist Rogier Roeters created the artwork for our brand image for this edition of Boulevard. This year, Boulevard takes place from the 3rd to the 13th of August. The ticket sale for the first performances will start on Tuesday, 30 May.
New brand image
In 2022, we already collaborated successfully with Rogier Roeters, so we asked him to create the artwork for this year again. “Boulevard gave me the freedom to create. I created 40 drawings, and after this creation process, I let it go and allowed Boulevard to choose,” according to Rogier. Boulevard prefers to work with makers where artists get the space for their vision. “The collaboration works perfectly for me; they give me context, and I can create a new image.” Our home graphic designer Karin Jonkers turned the artwork into a beautiful brand image. “As the graphic designer of the festival, it is great to work with the art by Rogier. His work scours, touches, scolds, and loves. Besides, Rogier is a great guy with an amazing sense of humour that seamlessly fits with Theaterfestival Boulevard. For me, the challenge was honouring his work and creating communication outings that speak to the audience. Rogier rocks!” The image connects nature and the city, which fits with the locations of Boulevard. The Zuiderpark will be the festival’s heart again this year. Theaterfestival is the place to be surprised by culture, enjoy together, and celebrate summer.
Ticket sales 2023
Conversations with our audience indicated that all the information about our programming could be overwhelming. For this reason, we decided to help our audience with their guidance through our programming and divided the ticket sales into two moments. The first 13 performances will be on sale on Tuesday, 30 May. The second ticket sale will be on Thursday, 29 June. The programming booklet is replaced by magazines published during both sales dates and the festival. We will provide more information about the performances in these magazines through articles, columns, and interviews.
Are you interested in becoming our friend?
Many dreams can come true thanks to the Friends Foundation of Theaterfestival Boulevard. The Friends - lovers of the festival - provide support and contribute financially and intrinsically to realising our ambitions. As a Friend, you have a few benefits. For instance, ticket sales for Friends start on Thursday, 25 May, so that you can be sure of a ticket for your favourite performance. You will find all the information on becoming a Friend of the festival on the website.
Theaterfestival Boulevard takes place from the 3rd to the 13th of August in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.